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Meru Networks
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Meru Networks

Meru Networks was founded in 2002 with a new vision on wireless networks. That this vision became reality has been emphasid by Gartner who have created a new generation of wireless networks espicially for the Meru solution. They were convinced Meru offers possibilities on other vendor can offer at this moment.

The Meru Networks solution offers a centralized wireless LAN, both for indoor and outdoor use. Meru customers experience no difference in application performance between their wired and wireless networks, regardless of the number of clients or the demanding nature of the mission-critical applications deployed.

Key-points in the Meru system are:

- Virtual AP: The single channel approach and one BSSID result in one large virtual AP where all clients are coordinated through the Controller
- Seamless roaming: Zero-loss roaming offers a perfect handover from one AP to the other resulting in perfect voice quality at all times and no delay in real-time data applications
- Scalability: -No more need for reinvinting the channel plans after an extension of the network has been done; all APs reside on the same frequency.
- Throughput: Instead of having different access points on different channels, one can now have enterprise-wide networks on different channels resulting in a net throughput that is 3 times (2.4GHz) or even 8 times (5GHz) higher than in normal networks.
- b/g performance: Normal networks suffer from 11b and 11g client coexistance. Meru guarantees a perfect coexistance where both clients get the throughput they deserve. This problem will reappear with future 11n clients.
- High density: Meru APs offer up to 128 simultaneous client connections. This is a number originated out of practical tests! For all tested Voice-over-WiFi solutions, Meru offers the highest number of simultaneous voice calls (with the best MOS score) even when mixed with data traffic
- 11n support: Thanks to the single channel approach, Meru can still offer a complete 11n network asides from a b/g network. One could again have multiple 11n networks on different channels resulting in phenomenal throughputs! The Meru Networks solution consists out of access points, a central controller and the optional E(z)RF software packets for monitoring, real-time track and tracing and coverage planning.

Meru AP-150

Dual-radio, tri-mode Mesh Access Points for smaller enterprise environments


The Meru AP 150 Access Point provides secure and reliable wireless access in smaller enterprises with remote offices and in non-profit environments like university campuses or hospitals. Deployed in a classic or even a Mesh wireless network, the AP 150 Access Points are managed centrally by an intelligent Controller that balances the network traffic. From Multicap’s own experience in a college environment, we can tell that some areas in a site to be covered are just too difficult and too expensive to set up a direct connection with the wired network. Thanks to the AP 150 supporting Mesh, it is possible to install access points in such remote locations. This Access Point standard comes with basic Voice over WLAN.

Customers intending to expand their existing installation will be delighted to learn that the Meru AP 150 is the easiest-to-deploy in its class. It simply doesn't require any configuration, so that plug-and-play in this case is far from a vain promise!

- Multi-layered security provides greater network protection

The Meru AP 150 is a so-called thin access point containing no security info and operating with Meru Controllers exclusively. Furthermore, it supports Local/RADIUS MAC filtering, WPA2, WPA, 802.1x and WEP.

Download Datasheet Meru AP150(PFD)
Meru AP-200

Meru's Dual Radio Access Points are third generation coordinated access points that represent a quantum leap over traditional enterprise-class AP's


Download Datasheet Meru AP200(PFD)
Meru Controllers

The Meru Controller Family This range of Meru products today exists of 4 models: the MC500, the MC1000, the MC3000 and the MC5000.


Download Datasheet Meru MC500-1000-3000 Controller(PFD)
Download Datasheet Meru MC5000(PFD)


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